In 1997, I attended one of Viola’s conferences where she spoke about Breathwork. I was really struck by the information, especially as I was looking for something that would allow me to make sense of many things in my life, so that I could heal them and connect with my essence, my mission and my life purpose.
I then decided to learn the principles and practice of this method and I trained under Viola’s guidance.
This wonderful book, “Breathing the Rhythm of Success,” began to take shape at the same time, adding greatly to all the teachings and experiences that had taken place up to that point, and impacting my life in a very positive way. Through this book, I realised how beautiful life is when we clear out negative beliefs and thoughts, because that is where we discover ourselves, thereby bringing to light our Divine essence.
It is thanks to that experience, and to connecting with success through Conscious Connected Breathing, that today I am a better person, a better professional and a happy woman.
Viola, wishing you infinite blessings, success and continue to give the best of yourself for the benefit of mankind.
Silvia Peña
Médica y Practicante Activa de Respiración Consciente”